Welcome to the Saskatoon Young Naturalists!
Young Naturalists’ activities are open to all ages and offer nature-based activities designed for families. Content is geared towards the 5- to 11-year-old range. We operate on the belief that children’s (and parents’) learning is enhanced when the parents/guardians are present. Parent/Guardian supervision is required for all Young Naturalists Programs.
The Saskatoon Young Naturalists began in 1968. Young Naturalists is a joint program with the Saskatoon Nature Society and the Saskatoon Zoo Society. Thanks to funding from the Saskatoon Nature Society & The Saskatoon Zoo Society, programs are free of charge unless otherwise noted.
Upcoming Programs:
Christmas Bird Count for Kids:
Friday, December 27th 2024
Location: Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park and Zoo, Affinity Learning Centre
Tracks and Scats:
Jan 18 2025
Time: TBD
Location: Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park and Zoo, Affinity Learning Centre
Chickadee Pishing:
Feb 1st 2025
Time: TBD
Cost: FREE
Location: TBD
Owl Pellet Dissection:
Mar 8 2025
Time: TBD
Location: Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park and Zoo, Affinity Learning Centre
For full upcoming program descriptions, please consult:
To register for a program, or for more information, send an e-mail to saskatoonnaturekids@gmail.com indicating which program (or programs) you want to sign up for and indicate the number of children. Parent/Guardian supervision is required for all Young Naturalists Programs. Space is limited on most programs, so advanced registration is required. Registration is on a first-come basis. You can register at any time.
Each Young Naturalists activity is an individual activity, separate from the other activities. You must register for each activity separately if you want to participate in multiple activities; however, you can register for more than one activity at one time.
Due to enrollment restrictions, the Young Naturalists Program is normally unable to accommodate groups (the program is designed for families). If you have a special interest group (such as Scouts, 4-H, school group, etc.) please email saskatoonnaturekids@gmail.com to arrange a special program for your group. There may be a charge for this programming.
Click below for more public programming at the Zoo!